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VBS 2016 Aug. 8th-12th
6 PM-9 PM
Ages 3-12

Please complete the form below to be pre-registered for Vacation Bible School. If you have any questions or concerns about VBS, please contact one of the staff of our church. We look forward to working with your child this summer!

This year we will be using our computerized check in system. Each night your child will be given a special name tag with a unique security code. This code will help us pair the child with those authorized to pick them up. We will also provide parents with a barcoded key tag. To save time all you will need to bring is your key tag at drop off and pick up. This will help us ensure a safe and smooth operation. (NOTE: If you have your barcode from last year, it is still good for this year!)

All of this is free of charge and helps us be the best caregivers to your children. If you have questions about our check in system, please call the church office at 703-590-5199 and speak with Pastor Jamie.



Register HERE: VBS Registration



Need Help with Registration? We have 4 minute how-to videos. It’s EASY!

 (You’ll want to enlarge the video to full screen to see it in more detail):


(If your email address is already in our system, you may be prompted to follow these steps):



If you have issues with the link above or would like to register using this website, you may do so here.